The Chronic Ills podcast is hosted by Angelica and Alina – two pals who decided to create a space to discuss and rant about all the trials and tribulations of having chronic illness as a 20-something year old. Join us as we ponder some of the experiences and very real challenges of trying to navigate life as a young person whilst also juggling an incurable condition.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Surviving the Holiday Season
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Angelica and Alina are back discussing surviving the Holiday Season when you have a chronic illness. They discuss:
- navigating awkward conversations
- dealing with the weather (Aussie summers are hot!!)
- how holiday time is not always the most wonderful time of the year.
Stay tuned until about 19mins in when Angelica tells Alina some life changing information that literally shook her to her core!

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
New Aorta, Who Dis? Angelica’s Surgery
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
TW: Discussions of ICU, surgery and medical trauma.
In this episode we go into detail about Angelica's most recent major aortic surgery. We unpack what's involved in the surgery, ICU stays and her recovery as well as the ongoing mental, emotional and physical impact of experiencing and recovering from major surgery.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
We’re back!
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
After a long break we're back for a second season talking about all things chronic illness in your twenties! We talk about what we've been up to for the past year and a bit, Covid, some personal and health updates from us, all with little bit of Saw and Darren Criss thrown in. Enjoy!

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
10. Navigating Friendships When You‘re Chronically Ill
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
In this episode we explore what it's like navigating and maintaining friendships when you have a chronic illness. We look at how chronic illness has impacted our friendships and the effects of the pandemic on how we maintain friendships as chronically ill people. We also talk about low spoon activities and the importance of continuing accessibility within your friendships when lockdown is over. Enjoy xoxo

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
9. The Cost of being Chronically Ill
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
This weeks episode we explore the often unseen impact being chronically ill has on your finances. Not only to your money but to your time and your ability to make money in the future. We also discuss experiences navigating and getting the Disability Support Pension (DSP) an income support payment in Australia and provide some tips to help you if you're thinking about applying. Enjoy xoxo

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
8. How is Chronic Illness and Disability Portrayed in Media?
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
This week we take a look at how chronic illness and disability is portrayed in media and pop culture. We discuss the paralympics, popular 'disability films' of the 80s and 90s, and some of the all too common stereotypes and tropes that depict chronic illness/disability in film and television. Enjoy xo

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
7. Body Image with Chronic Illness
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
This episode we talk all about how our chronic illnesses have impacted our own body image. We discuss how we have come to terms with often dramatic changes in our bodies and how we have coped with scars, weight loss and our changing relationship with clothing.
P.S. Apologies for some of the audio issues on this episode! We are still tweaking the remote recording process. Enjoy anyway! xoxo

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
6. Pills, Pills, Pills: Medication and Alt. Therapies
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
In this episode we discuss medications and alternative therapies. We delve into the medications that are essential to us, the stigma that often surrounds taking medications and what alternative therapies we have had experience with. We also take a look at the popular 'wellness' idea that "food is medicine" and how that intersects with our experience of being chronically ill. Enjoy! xoxo

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
5. Let's talk about mental health
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Trigger Warning: This episode contains descriptions of medical trauma, PTSD, anxiety, ICU, medical gaslighting and surgery.
In this episode we discuss the impacts that having a chronic illness has had on our mental health. We delve into things like medical trauma, PTSD, anxiety, hypervigilance and catastrophising. We discuss our experiences of medical gaslighting, what it's like to undergo major surgery and be in the ICU.
Take care all xoxo

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
4. Sick in a pandemic
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In this week’s episode we chat about what it’s like living as a chronically ill person during a global pandemic. We discuss anxiety, working from home, how the pandemic has shed light on accessibility needs, and of course the COVID-19 vaccine. xoxo